Navicat 12 linux
Navicat 12 linux

While you’re deciding, I will be evaluating Navicat’s latest offering: Navicat Premium 12. Being a tool that you will no doubt be using a great deal, it’s vital that you carefully enumerate and weigh all of the features that would benefit you most. The Top 10 MySQL GUI Tools slideshow presented a few of the most popular DBMs. There are DBMs for specific databases and others who support many popular vendors.

navicat 12 linux

Sure, there is the occasional hold-out that hasn’t moved on since the days that DBAs used the command line to create, edit, and delete databases, but most would agree that a good DBM is the crown jewel of their arsenal.

navicat 12 linux

Ask a database administrator (DBA) to name their most cherished tool, and they’ll usually say it’s their database management (DBM) system.

Navicat 12 linux